Understanding Connecticut Bridge Accidents

Understanding Connecticut Bridge Accidents

Bridges help connect you from one part of the city to another. However, just like any other highway, the bridge experiences accidents from time to time. These bridges are common in Connecticut, and they offer the ability for you to cross areas that would otherwise not be accessible. However, bridges can cause serious car accidents as well.

Many people fear bridges more than the typical highway, and for a good reason too. Car accidents on bridges are ten times more fatal than on regular roads. This is due to the confined spaces that you have to drive through.

Why are Accidents Common on Bridges?

Some factors make accidents happen more regularly on bridges and to be severe. Here are the reasons:

Confined Spaces

Due to the restricted space on the bridge, you have little room to maneuver the car to avoid an oncoming vehicle or a pothole. Since you can’t drive on the shoulder, you have no option but to go with the situation.

Side-Door Impacts

Bridge barriers are erected to protect cars from accidentally driving off the sides of the road and into the underpasses or water. While they are useful, they can also cause side-door impacts if you are pushed into one. This can result in mangled and crushed car bodies and the passenger getting pinned between the cars and the barrier.

Being Forced Over the Edge

Though not so common, there is the risk of being forced overboard in case of an accident. Your car can crash into the underpass or plummet into the way.

An accident can cause a traffic snarl-up, which can cause a chain reaction where several cars collide with yours.

Collapse of the Bridge

Poor workmanship and the subsequent load of the vehicles on the bridge can lead to bridge collapse. Though uncommon, it happens. The builder is responsible for negligence when a bridge collapses due to poor maintenance or workmanship.

Other causes of bridge accidents in Florida include:

●       Unmarked ramps to enter or exit the bridge

●       Poor lighting

●       Malfunctioned signals

●       Absent or defective guardrails

●       Poor design in the structure

Thousands of people get injured in accidents that happen on a bridge; however, you shouldn’t fear using the bridges. Once you understand the risks, you can take the necessary steps to handle any injury you have sustained.

Filing a Claim for Compensation for a Connecticut Bridge Accident

When you have been hurt in a bridge accident, you need to file a claim to hold the person accountable. To make this possible, you need to work with a Connecticut bridge accident lawyer that has handled similar cases before.

However, proving negligence requires you to have enough evidence from the time you sustain the injuries to the time you heal.

First off, get medical treatment from the doctor to determine the extent of injuries and compute the costs. The doctor gives you a medical report detailing the injuries and how much the current and future treatments will cost. While getting treatment, make sure you attend all the appointments to avoid having an issue with the insurance adjuster.

Once you prove that negligence occurred, you can recover damages that include loss of income, medical expenses, missed opportunities, diminished earning capacity, and pain and suffering. If the injuries prove fatal, then the family members can lodge a wrongful death lawsuit to get compensated.

How Long Should You Take Before You File a Claim

Because the claim might take a long time, you need to act swiftly after the accident. Connecticut gives you 2 years from the date of the injury to file a claim. Call your Connecticut car accident lawyer today to file a claim if you feel you were in an accident and the other person was at fault.

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Sarah 361 posts

Sarah Thompson: Sarah's blog specializes in technology news, covering everything from the latest gadgets to industry trends. As a former tech reporter, her posts offer comprehensive and insightful coverage of the tech landscape.

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