How To Make Millennials Buy Your Magazine? Here Are Some Useful Tips

How To Make Millennials Buy Your Magazine? Here Are Some Useful Tips

In today’s digital world, millennials find it difficult to rely on printed materials anymore. Now with the rise in mobile usage rate, more and more people are redirecting their attention to digital platforms.

The same question has been going on and on in every marketer’s mind – How do you advertise to the young? We all know that millennials were born in an era with almost every possible media channel up and running. Printed materials are already a thing of the past when they were brought into this world.

With that in mind, here are a few helpful tips that will get the millennials interested in buying products from magazine printing companies.

Focus on social media platforms

A study from the Pew Research Center states that 68% of the adults in the United States of America uses Facebook, one of the leading social media platforms today. If you want to properly market your magazine to the millennials, be sure to use social media as a means to reach your audience. Furthermore, it has been proven that social media influencers actually affect the purchasing habits of a particular demographic. If you can use this to your advantage, you can easily attract the younger generation to buy your magazine – whether digital or in print.

Keep in mind the aesthetic value of your magazine

Another social media platform worth mentioning is Instagram. The truth is when you have achieved a number of following on any of the social media platforms, you gain a badge of acceptance that will aid in attracting the millennials to buy your magazine. With that in mind, aesthetic is one of the most important aspects of Instagram. Be sure that your magazine is Instagram-worthy!

Pay attention to word-of-mouth recommendations

Word-of-mouth recommendations are one thing that has been carried out from traditional marketing strategies to the current ones. CEO of Gaea North America David Neuman states that millennials who are recommended a product through a friend or a colleague would more likely purchase the product – in this case, your magazine. This is a trial and error process where magazine printing companies gain one loyal customer at a time, hoping that they will pass it along.

Humanize your brand by integrating user-generated content

Since the digital world is proliferating, humanization becomes much more critical for businesses. People – including millennials – would want something that adheres to them in a personal way. If you want your magazine to be purchased by the millennials, find a way to feature real and authentic customers who loved your magazine. Do not focus too much on celebrity advertisement. It is important that you stray away from obvious sponsorship to real and relatable content.

Create a real and honest relationship with influencers

Stemming from the previous point of needing user-generated content and staying away from celebrity advertisements, your alternative marketing strategy would now include creating an honest relationship with social media influencers. Most of the time, people would seek the approval of these social media influencers before purchasing a product. If you can gain the trust of an influencer, they will pass this along. Furthermore, recommendations from an influencer with a huge following are much more powerful than your ordinary customer.

In the end, printed magazines are not the issue. Magazine printing companies can still sell magazines – whether digital or in print – as long as there is the use of the correct medium of advertisement.

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Sarah 363 posts

Sarah Thompson: Sarah's blog specializes in technology news, covering everything from the latest gadgets to industry trends. As a former tech reporter, her posts offer comprehensive and insightful coverage of the tech landscape.

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